Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Get Authorizations Before Digging

One of the things to do before excavating is to make sure that you notify all your utility providers. Part of their responsibility will be to come to the site, mark and pin (little flags) where there are underground pipes and wires. There is a service in Ontario called Ontario One Call, which is a not-for-profit company supported by the various utility providers to provide a single point of contact for the construction industry.

I opened a ticket with them via their web-site (you can also call them) last night identifying my location, contact information, and scope of excavation. The company in turn contacted Bell, Enbridge, and Hydro. So far, I have received a call from Bell Canada confirming that it will be okay for us to dig as long as we stay away from the back of the lot where there is overhead and underground phone wires.

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